BOOK DESIGN Book cover Book interior eBook Artwork for cover Illustrations Tables & charts Tell us more about your book project. Is your book ready to publish now? If not, what is your timeframe for publishing?What genre is your book (novel, memoir, self-help, business, children’s book, etc.)?What format are you envisioning (paperback, hardback, ebook, audio book)?If you’re self-publishing a physical book, what is the desired trim size (i.e. the page dimensions)?What is your book’s estimated word count? Is your book black + white or full-color?Is your book black + white or full-color?Does your book contain the following: photographs tables and/or charts illustrations pull quotes index When do you need the design completed for your book?Is there any additional information we should know about your project?SELF-PUBLISHING Self-Publishing Coaching Book Project Management Self-Publishing Resources Production & Distribution Self-Publishing Workshops Tell us more about your self-publishing needs. Please describe where you are in the self-publishing process. What kind of help do you need?How much do you know about self-publishing?Would coaching be beneficial for an efficient and worry-free self-publishing experience?Do you only need help with the book design?Do you need help managing the self-publishing process?Do you want to learn more about publishing a book on your own?Is there any additional information we should know about your project?BRAND IDENTITY Website Design Brand Identity Design Logo Design Business Cards Marketing Collateral Branding Consultation Tell us more about your branding needs. Do you have an existing brand?Do you need a brand refresh? Or a brand created from scratch?Do you need more clarity about your brand (i.e. your ideal client, your “why”, your vision and voice, etc)?Do you have an existing logo?Is your logo ready for a re-design?What marketing materials do you want to create for your brand?Do you (or your book) have a social media presence? If so, tell us all about it.Name** First Last Email* PhoneCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.