Media Narratives: The Power of Storytelling in Today’s World
When I taught my four-week course called "Career by Design" earlier this year, I thought a lot about how crucial it is for business owners to have a solid brand story. Your story can truly push your business ahead. If you're anything like me, you've been glued to social media and the news lately. You've likely noticed how storytelling holds immense power today. The world feels quite chaotic, and a big part of that chaos comes from the stories we encounter. These stories shape different perspectives and opinions among people, causing...
Unlock the Power of Self-Publishing: 10 Essential Insights for Your Self-Publishing Journey
Congratulations on considering a self-publishing journey! As someone who has spent over twenty years in the publishing and design industry, I’ve...
What Are YOU Grateful For?
Do you remember, back at the beginning of this year when the pandemic just started, we all said “when this thing is over, then…” and then some statement would follow that would describe a “back to normal” life.
Love For the Win
If you’re like me then you may occasionally find other humans complicated and confusing, to say the least.
In an effort to mitigate that, I attempt to educate myself on how to be a better communicator.
What’s the Game Plan For Your Website?
So… where should I start with my book, brand or website? Instead of choosing some random element and cobbling everything together so that it “kinda-sorta fits,” I recommend working through two big questions first.
Getting to the Soul of Your Business
Redesigning your current website? Developing your brand voice? Publishing a book? Launching a marketing campaign? Keep reading, friend. Maybe you’re...
The Difference Between a Brand and a Visual Identity
Ever noticed how easily people toss the word “brand” around in conversations? “You must build your brand!” “I just rebranded my business!” “Do you...